Imminent Domain

> make every day a hack day

Imminent Domain (ImmDom) is a free & open-source toolset to help you get from idea to working product fast - and have fun doing it!

built for the solutions engineers, the hackers, the "non-coders", and anyone who wants the skip the bullshit and quickly test or iterate on an idea. just think of what is possible when you make every day a hack day, and everyone a builder.

please add your platform feature, function, and infra requests here as github issues

what is it?

ImmDom is currently made up of two main sub-projects - both at the Proof-of-Concept stage:

A Functions Catalogue

no one should aspire to solve the same problem twice! we've all written wrappers and middleware for working with hosted APIs and 3rd party libraries - so why not share our best with each other?

the ImmDom Function Catalogue is easy to search these functions by use case / tag.

while we're at it, we're making these components more reliable & well characterized, so you can easily compose them into larger and more powerful systems.

finally, we're are creating tools to help you provision and deploy these functions automagically to the cloud provider of your choice. While you're waiting for the automation, you can check out our tutorials:

and here's an example (admittedly vendor-specific) of what where we are going:

No-Fuss Provisioning and Configuring Cloud Infrastructure

ImmDom provides a no-fuss "Infrastructure as Code" workflow for provisioning and updating infra that "just works"(tm). it follows the GitOps pattern, and provides the following:

while we're building the automation out, why don't you check out the tutorials?

long term plans & philosophy

our intention is to make software development easier and open to more people, and software systems more scalable and reliable.

Attribution and Contribution

we're always going to be free and open source, in spirit and name alike. we welcome you to join us in opening software development to more people

one the best ways to get started is to tell us more about what you are building (or want to build) with Immdom. another would be to request a platform feature or catalogue item (either function or component) using github issues.

there has been a lot of amazing work that has inspired us. this includes the like of Netlify and Vercel Functions, Blockspring, Vercel's GCP integration, and Gruntworks.

Thank you.


(we are looking for people to help us spread the news!)